Today after my little boy decided to dress himself and also buckle his own car seat just to show he could…I’m reminded of how far we’ve come. Around 18 months I noticed he was extremely active. People told me it was a “Christoff” trait, Drs at Providence treated me like I was a paranoid stay at home mom, but I was his mom… his everything, and I knew different. I fought to figure out why he could stack blocks at 6 months, but he also wanted to sit in his toy box because it seems like it felt so comfortable.

He loooveeeddd to run as soon as he could walk at 9 months. He was so emotional and social with me… how could anyone else not see his enthusiasm and social connections? And when we seeked outside help for speech, they questioned me for believing my son understood more than he did. He is a genius, but if he sees you as a threat, well he doesn’t try to prove himself to you. He is the smartest in his class, with average motor skills (for now) and poor social skills that we apply everyday, especially with his sister who makes his social skills soar.

As parents you isolate yourself for years trying to understand what you can change…and start to admit to yourself what you can’t change. You mainly want to change the worlds perception, not your own. So now I decide to post it to the world. In hindsight, I see what is the greatest journey I have ever been blessed with. I have become a super mom. And most people won’t get the little things I do mean I sacrifice everything I ever that I’ve ever known for this boy, but I wouldn’t change a thing about him.

I love that sometimes I post a video that one friend will ask a question for a friend or for advice. It’s all about giving advice to the next person who needs it. My son has Aspergers…. and he is the biggest blessing I could’ve ever asked for. He doesn’t need me to defend him anymore, he needs others to embrace him. #aspergers #lovewhatmatters